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Version: 2.x


Basic Etiquette

You, during the time frame you are using Proxima, are eligible but not entitled for support. We may refuse to provide support anytime, for any reason. You are expected to understand and act accordingly.

Usage Support

We will do our best to answer your questions about basic usage of Proxima; but we expect you to be patient as we are human beings and all developers/maintainers/support team members have their own personal schedule. We may not respond instantly, and you should not repeatedly ping any of those providing support for instant answers.

Programming Support

As Proxima is open-source and contribution-driven, we may provide support for programming. Again, we may not respond immediately and we expect you to to respect our schedules.

Denial of Support

If you act like an entitled child around the support server, you may (and most likely will) be denied from receiving support indefinitely. Please do not ping Management, Support Team and Community Developers unless it is absolutely necessary.