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Version: 1.x

Updating BrayanBot

Unfortunately, there is not yet an automated updater (nor is there one in our plans) and therefore you will need to update manually. We will do our best to provide you clear and concise instructions BrayanBots to keep your bot up to date, always. As always, feel free to contact us if you need further assistance in updating.

Updating from v1.3.0 to v1.4.0

If you are using v1.1.0 or below, you will need to update one by one. We recommend starting fresh with v1.1.0 and then upgrading.

Do note that some addons are bound to break on this update. Please contact the addon developers if that is the case.

As always, start with the following:

  • Backup your config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml
  • Backup your database.db
  • Backup your Addons/ and Addon_Configs/ directories

Delete everything except the following files and directories:

  • config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml
  • database.db
  • Addons/ and Addon_Configs/ directories

Then, download the latest BrayanBot update from a platform of your choice (MC-Market, GitHub or our website)

Extract the downloaded .zip file and drag and drop all files except example.config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml

  1. Open config.yml and remove the WebServer section starting at line 15. Like so:
- Enabled: true
- Port: 80
- Favicon: "favicon.ico"
- EndPoints:
- - Type: "URL"
- EndPoint: "/"
- URL: ""
- - Type: "URL"
- EndPoint: "/discord"
- URL: ""
- - Type: "Page"
- EndPoint: "/view/page"
- File: "assets/viewThisPage.html"
- - Type: "File"
- EndPoint: "/download"
- File: "assets/download.txt"
- Ratelimit:
- # It's recommended to keep this enabled.
- Enabled: true
- # Max Requests can be made per 1 minute
- MaxRequests: 1
- # IPs included will bypass Rate Limiting
- BypassIPs:
- - "" # http://localhost/ |

If you have made any changes to your Webserver configuration: you can instead copy paste this section to /WebServer/webserver.yml. Like so: Remember to be careful with yml syntax while copying and pasting.

Enabled: true
Port: 8080
Favicon: "favicon.ico"
- Type: "URL"
EndPoint: "/"
URL: ""

- Type: "URL"
EndPoint: "/changedValue"
URL: ""

- Type: "Page"
EndPoint: "/view/page"
File: "assets/viewThisPage.html"

- Type: "File"
EndPoint: "/download"
File: "assets/download.txt"
# It's recommended to keep this enabled.
Enabled: true
# Max Requests can be made per 1 minute
MaxRequests: 1
# IPs included will bypass Rate Limiting
- "" # http://localhost/ |
  1. Add the new comments and the new config value to config.yml. Starting from line 5.
+ # Enabling DevMode will reset all addon configurations.
+ DevMode: false
+ # Verbose mode enables additional debug messages to be shown on the startup log.
+ Verbose: true
  1. Add the new StatusHandler section to config.yml. Starting from line 18.
+ Status: "online"
+ Afk: false
+ Activities:
+ - Text: "discord.js"
+ Type: "PLAYING"
+ - Text: ""
+ URL: ""
+ - Text: "for help"
+ - Text: "{guild-members} members"
+ Type: "WATCHING"
+ ActivitiesSettings:
+ Order: "normal"
+ Interval: 3
  1. Edit your lang.yml to add the new language changes and fixes. This should start around line 40, depending on changes you might have made to your lang.yml file.

Around line 40:

Description: |-
• **Name**: {guild-name}
• **Guild ID**: {guild-id}
- • **Created-At**: {guild-createdate}
+ • **Created-At**: {guild-createdate}

And around line 46:

- Name: "\U0001F451 Server Owner"
Value: |-
• **Account**: {guild-owner-mention} | {guild-owner-tag}
• **ID**: {guild-owner-id}
- • **Created At**: {guild-owner-createdate}
+ • **Created At**: {guild-owner-createdate}

Then around line 76, add the following for the UserInfo command.

+  UserInfo:
+ Embeds:
+ - Title: "\U0001f464 User Info - {user-tag}"
+ Description: |-
+ • **Account**: {user-mention} | {user-tag}
+ • **ID**: {user-id}
+ • **Created at**: {user-createdate} | {user-for}
+ • **Avatar**: [Link]({user-pfp})
+ Fields:
+ - Name: "\U0001F6E1 User Badges"
+ Value: |-
+ • **Badges**: {user-badges}
+ - Name: "\U0001F4AD Member Info"
+ Value: |-
+ • **Joined at**: {member-joindate} | {member-for}
+ • **Displayname**: {member-displayname}
+ • **Server avatar**: [Link]({member-pfp})
+ - Name: "\U0001F6A9 Member Roles"
+ Value: |-
+ • **Roles**: {member-roles}
+ Thumbnail: '{user-pfp}'
+ Timestamp: true
+ Footer: '{user-tag}'
+ FooterIcon: '{user-pfp}'

Around line 109 make the following change:

- - Title: Unable to run command
+ - Title: Unable to execute command

Finally, around line 159, add the following section for command cooldowns:

+  OnCooldown:
+ Embeds:
+ - Title: Unable to execute command
+ Description: "> You are currently on cooldown for this command. You can use this command again in **{cooldown}**."
+ Footer: '{user-tag}'
+ FooterIcon: '{user-pfp}'
+ Timestamp: true
+ Color: '#ff0800'
  1. Edit your commands.yml to add the following:

Around line 2, add the IgnoredCooldown section:

DisabledCommands: []

+ Users:
+ - "Zorino#1110"
+ Roles:
+ - "Special"

Description: "Displays all Bot Commands"

Around line 70, add the following for the UserInfo command:

+ Description: "View User's Information"
+ Usage: "userinfo"
+ Aliases:
+ - "memberinfo"
+ Permission:
+ - "@everyone"
+ AllowedChannels: false
+ DeleteCommand: false
+ Cooldown: false
+ SlashCommand:
+ Enabled: true
+ Data:
+ Name: userinfo
+ Description: "View User's Information"
+ Options:
+ - Type: "User"
+ Name: "target"
+ Description: "User Mention"

Finally, add the cooldown setting under each command in commands.yml, like so:

Description: "Displays Bot Pings"
Usage: "ping"
Aliases: []
- "@everyone"
AllowedChannels: false
DeleteCommand: false
+ Cooldown: false
Enabled: true
Name: ping
Description: "Displays Bot Pings"
  1. Install required node modules and start your bot. You have successfully updated to v1.4.0!

Updating from v1.2.0 to v1.3.0

If you are using v1.1.0 or below, you will need to update one by one. We recommend starting fresh with v1.1.0 and then upgrading.

Do note that some addons are bound to break on this update. Please contact the addon developers if that is the case.

As always, start with the following:

  • Backup your config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml
  • Backup your database.db
  • Backup your Addons/ and Addon_Configs/ directories

Then, download the latest BrayanBot update from a platform of your choice (MC-Market, GitHub or our website)

Extract the downloaded .zip file and drag and drop all files except example.config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml

  1. Extract the downloaded .zip file and drag and drop all files except example.config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml
  2. (Optional) Create a new file called webserver.yml in the folder called WebServer, located in bot's root directory. Populate it with the following:
Enabled: true
Port: 80
Favicon: "favicon.ico"
- Type: "URL"
EndPoint: "/"
URL: ""

- Type: "URL"
EndPoint: "/discord"
URL: ""

- Type: "Page"
EndPoint: "/view/page"
File: "assets/viewThisPage.html"

- Type: "File"
EndPoint: "/download"
File: "assets/download.txt"
# It's recommended to keep this enabled.
Enabled: true
# Max Requests can be made per 1 minute
MaxRequests: 1
# IPs included will bypass Rate Limiting
- "" # http://localhost/ |

If you have followed this step, do NOT remove the webserver section from your config.yml. This is for a later update.

  1. Start your bot, you are done.

Updating from v1.1.0 to v1.2.0

If you are using v1.1.0, we assume that you have started fresh as instructed in the version 1.1.0 announcement. As such, you should be able to update to v1.2.0 fairly quickly and easily.

As always, start with the following:

  • Backup your config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml
  • Backup your database.db
  • Backup your Addons/ and Addon_Configs/ directories

Then, download the latest BrayanBot update from a platform of your choice (MC-Market, GitHub or our website)

Extract the downloaded .zip file and drag and drop all files except example.config.yml, lang.yml and commands.yml

Version 1.2.0 introduces a new eval command, so you will need to manually edit your commands.yml and lang.yml Instructions provided below:

  1. Add the new admin section as well as the necessary lines for the eval command into your commands.yml, starting with line 78
Description: "Runs JavaScript code"
Usage: "eval <code>"
Aliases: []
- "Zorino#1110"
AllowedChannels: false
Enabled: true
Name: eval
Description: "Runs JavaScript code"
- Type: "String"
Name: "code"
Description: "JavaScript code"
Required: true

This is how your commands.yml should look like after you update it.

          - Type: "User"
Name: "target"
Name: "target"
Description: "User Mention"
Description: "User Mention"
+ Admin:
+ Eval:
+ Description: "Runs JavaScript code"
+ Usage: "eval <code>"
+ Aliases: []
+ Permission:
+ - "Zorino#1110"
+ AllowedChannels: false
+ SlashCommand:
+ Enabled: true
+ Data:
+ Name: eval
+ Description: "Runs JavaScript code"
+ Options:
+ - Type: "String"
+ Name: "code"
+ Description: "JavaScript code"
+ Required: true
  1. Add the new admin section as well as the necessary lines for the eval command into your commands.yml, starting with line 89
- Title: '{bot-username} Eval'
- Name: ⬇️ | Input
Value: |-
- Name: ⬆️ | Output
Value: |-
Footer: '{user-tag}'
FooterIcon: '{user-pfp}'
Timestamp: true

This is how your lang.yml should look like after you update it.

         Style: Link
Label: Avatar
Link: '{link}'
+ Admin:
+ Eval:
+ Embeds:
+ - Title: '{bot-username} Eval'
+ Fields:
+ - Name: ⬇️ | Input
+ Value: |-
+ ```js
+ {input}```
+ - Name: ⬆️ | Output
+ Value: |-
+ ```js
+ {output}```
+ Footer: '{user-tag}'
+ FooterIcon: '{user-pfp}'
+ Timestamp: true

And that is all for the files that need to be updated manually!