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Version: 1.x


First and foremost; thank you for using BrayanBot. Regardless of whether or not you are a developer, you using BrayanBot means something to us. We thank you for your trust and continuous support.

Contibuting to BrayanBot

If you are a developer who is using BrayanBot, consider contributing! Be it in the form of an addon or simply improvements to the codebase; we will appreciate any kinds of contributions coming our way.

If you are interested in creating your own addons, please take a look at Creating your Own Addons and if you would prefer using the template to create an entirely different bot; see Using the Template.

For direct contributions to the codebase, please take a look at Contribution Guidelines

If neither of those interest you, we also highly appreciate all Bug Reports and Feature requests over Github Issues.

How to make code Changes

  1. Clone the dev branch

As we do not take pull requests to the main branch, this step is mandatory

git clone -b dev
  1. Make your changes

  2. Track your changes using git

git add <fileName>
  1. Commit your changes with a meaningful message
git commit -m "<Your commit message here>"
  1. Push your changes to the dev branch
git push origin dev

And that is all! This will make push your changes to git and open a Pull Request on Github. After that, we will review your Pull Request and either merge into the dev branch or if your Pull Request is denied, reasons to why it is denied and how to improve the Pull Request next time you would like to make a PR again.