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Version: 1.x

Third Party Addons

Third Party Addons are addons that are created by developers that are kindly contributing to the BrayanBot community and are referred to as the "Community Developers". While they may offer addons in various shapes and forms (obfuscated, non-obfuscated); Community Developers are responsible for submitting their work for verification before publishing addons publicly and we, as BrayanBot developers will always ensure that addons published by Community Developers do not contain any malicious bits.


While we will do our best to scan all addons submitted for verification for malicious content; we can not guarantee that addons that are published on non-verified websites will share the same quality. That is why you are highly encouraged to download addons from official sources like Coremart

Some addon developers may also be providing private commissions for a price, but do keep in mind that we do not monitor those private commissions and cannot guarantee the safety of those. Please only commission developers that have a clear track record of publishing safe-to-use addons.

If you have created your own addon, you are still expected to verify said addon before publicizing it.